Slut walk held in NYC!

SlutWalk originated in Toronto last April after a cop warned students 'not to dress like sluts' to prevent rape. This is a shocking thing to teach young adults in the 21st century.

The walk was held in New York city for the first time last weekend and was a huge success.
It has also been held in other American regions and also in Europe, Australia and South Asia.

Women all across the globe are supporting this anti-rape phenomenon in a massive way.

How dare somebody accuse a woman of bringing rape upon herself due to the way she chooses to dress? Some people share the opinion that if you dress slightly provocatively, then you are an immediate target and that it is your own fault.

How can this be? Rape is a sexual crime committed against one's will and never a choice or something 'brought upon yourself'.

We love this event and think its a fantastic achievement!
Every woman has the right to feel free to dress how they want without anybody claiming they are attracting rapists to attack them.

Have you ever participated in a SlutWalk? We want your comments ladies and gents!,_go_fuck_yourselves%27%3A_slutwalk_arrives_in_nyc